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Laurel Park School is celebrating the outcome of their Ofsted inspection, which took place in November 2024. The new school, launched in September 2023, was judged ‘good’ in all areas. Under the new inspection framework, an overall grade is not given, instead a grade for each sub category:
Quality of Education: Good
Behaviour and attitudes: Good
Personal development: Good
Leadership and management: Good
Sixth form provision: Good
With a ‘strong focus on personal development,’ the ethos of the school is grounded in four core values of Integrity, Determination, Excellence and Ambition. Leaders, including governors’, ‘have taken the school on a journey of rapid improvement’, ‘alongside pupils, helping to make key decisions.’
Throughout the inspection, inspectors noted that the quality of education provided by the school has much to be proud of. ‘The curriculum on offer is broad and ambitious’ and ‘pupils with SEND access the curriculum alongside their peers and are successful’. Students at Laurel Park come to school each day to strive for excellence, ‘Pupils live up to the school’s expectations to work hard and to allow everyone to learn and achieve their best’. The quality of the teaching and work in books was also highlighted as a strength, ‘Work in books demonstrates pupils are progressing through the intended curriculum and produce work of good quality’.
‘Pupils behave very well’ at Laurel Park. Behaviour in lessons and around the school is ‘calm and orderly’ with ‘everyone understanding the behaviour expectations and well established routines’, pupils described the rules as ‘strict but fair’. The new approach is reinforced through assemblies and awards ceremonies where ‘pupils are celebrated for positive behaviour, exhibiting the school’s values and academic standards’.
The new vocational ‘nurturing’ sixth form, which opened in September 2024, ‘has got off to a strong start’ with, ‘students demonstrating enthusiasm for their learning and for the wider opportunities that are available to them’.
Headteacher Adele Christofi says; “As the Headteacher of this school, securing a 'Good' outcome in all areas was a pivotal moment in our school journey and one that I am so immensely proud of. I’d like to thank all of our wonderful staff, governors, parents and young people for the incredible support, hard work and effort that they have all put in, to improve standards in our school and realise the potential I knew the school always had.”
Chair of Governors, Tom Mauntner says; “Laurel Park has proved to the Ofsted inspectors that when we said we were launching a BRAND NEW school for the local area, just 15 months ago, we weren’t kidding! Ofsted found Laurel Park to be ‘GOOD’ in all inspection categories. A really brilliant result!”
The full report can be read here: